I suspect someone of fraud! What can I do about it?

Every year I get a couple of really pissed off clients because someone they know is claiming as single while living with their boyfriend or girlfriend in a common-law relationship.

And who can blame them for being angry! These ‘thieves’ get the full benefits of Social Services, HST, OTB and Child Tax Benefits etc. as a single parent but actually have a two-parent income.  Your tax dollars probably provide a bonafide single parent with 2 children an average of $2,000 in benefits every month.

 Your tax dollars also do the same for an individual claiming single when they are not.   There is no other word for it except fraud.

 Mad enough to do something about it?

1-866-809-6841   (Tax Fraud Reporting)

 1-800-394-7867   (Social Services Fraud Reporting)

Call both to optimize the odds of something being done as quickly as possible.  The wheels of justice do not move quickly in Canada but they do move.  And remember you do not have to provide your name, just the information that you know.  Its up to the enforcement divisions of these departments to follow the leads you give them and see if they are true or not.